Earthquake Network PRO MOD APK (Paid)

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How to install Earthquake Network PRO MOD APK (Paid) APK?

1. Tap the downloaded Earthquake Network PRO MOD APK (Paid) APK file.

2. Touch install.

3. Follow the steps on the screen.

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Earthquake Network is the most comprehensive app on earthquakes and for most countries of the world it is the only earthquake early warning system able to alert you before the seismic waves. More details about the research project at


The application works thanks to the accelerometer on the imaginative mobile device, so when the user uses it and activates it, it starts working at maximum productivity. In real-time, it can detect earthquakes very efficiently and accurately. Especially now that the application has covered the whole world, no matter where you are, you can connect with us to help you detect earthquakes as quickly as possible.

Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alertsEarthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts


It reports to users the occurrence of earthquakes and comes with the most detailed and specific parameters. Including the maximum and minimum movement speed of the earthquake, the direction of its movement… Even how many minutes it will take to reach the location you are standing in. Not stopping there, it also gives heavy warnings that add a lot of exclusive information exclusively for you.


Earthquake Network Pro allows you to engage in live chats with leading experts in the earthquake field. Here, you can talk to them about questions as well as get more information about the ongoing earthquake. They will give specific warnings and advice for each different location, add an earthquake avoidance address if you are in a dangerous place. Everything will appear in this online chat room.


After each earthquake passes, you can report the current status or what just happened that you witnessed, felt into the application. Earthquake Network Pro has a category for you to do your reporting. You help us update more factual data that only you who have experienced can understand. Your experiences can also be reported to both as a lesson for yourself and to share with other users worldwide.

Earthquake Network Pro – Realtime alertsEarthquake Network Pro – Realtime alerts

Main features:

– Earthquake early warnings
– User’s reports on felt earthquakes
– Earthquake data from national and international seismic networks starting from magnitude 0.0
– Earthquake notifications through voice synthesizer

The Earthquake Network research project develops a smartphone-based earthquake early warning system able to detect earthquakes in real time and to alert the population in advance. Smartphones are able to detect earthquakes thanks to the accelerometer on-board each device. When an earthquake is detected, users with the application installed are immediatly alerted. Since earthquake waves travel at a finite speed (from 5 to 10 km/s) it is possible to alert the population not yet reached by the damaging waves of the earthquake. For the scientific details about the project please refer to the Frontiers scientific journal at

Note that the information on earthquakes detected by national and international seismic networks is usually published with a delay ranging from a few minutes to many hours, depending on the seismic network.

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